Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 30 January 2021


The day began with heavy rain, as promised clearing first to a dismal grey. The strong easterly winds flattened out the sea leaving a choppy surface with lines running at right angles to the beach.
It wasn't long before the icy winds had cleared the skies turning the rain to snow which was dusting the mountain tops. We had numerous brief power cuts later in the afternoon which as Peter found out when he rang the supplier were due to the wind blowing the electricity cables together causing them to short. About 1,000 households have been affected but fingers crossed the power is now back on.
I was planning on a litter picking beach walk but when I unpacked the litter picker that arrived the other day it had been bent and broken in the middle. Photos and a request for a replacement have been sent to the seller. Instead I just had a beach walk well wrapped up against the wind. I didn't take my camera with me, all today's photos were taken from the terrace.

Great sprays of water being blown off the waves while a group of beginners had a surf lesson.
Later on the angle of the sun created a prism effect in the spray at times clearer than in the photo above. I can see my next challenge will be to try to capture this natural phenomenon.
Every time I looked out of the window there was a picture waiting to be taken. Here the evening light is making the houses glow with a rainbow's end above and some sea horses rolling in. I resisted running out again to capture the gorgeous pink and purple sunset.

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