Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Laundry Day.

The day began grey and wet and in the distance the volcanoes were smoking.
The village and the flat lands behind were being smothered by low clouds that looked like smoke. The waves were not as high yesterday but they still attracted the hardy surfers. Right now the sea is as flat as a pancake and the surfers have all gone home. I wonder if some of them drove here? There's so much confusion about where exactly you're allowed to go to exercise. The rules say 'stay local ...... remaining in village, town or part of town where you live.' Two women were fined for driving five miles to walk round a reservoir but Boris went (they won't say if he was driven) 7 miles to cycle round an open space in Stratford and that was fine. BTW he has a large garden in Downing Street and access to Buckingham Palace grounds to walk his dog or run and other large parks nearby. How many people will ignore the rules because of his stupidity?
This morning I went down to the launderette to get a lot of washing done. While my washing was churning round in the machines the one other person in the launderette went to take his washing out of the drier and found it stone cold and completely wet. He mentioned that there'd been a problem the other day and rang the guy who runs the launderette. This chap came down fairly promptly and declared the driers broken. Something to do with having a new delivery of propane (Calor gas) bottles. He said he'd call out the engineers and that the driers should be working by the afternoon or tomorrow at the latest. So after putting my washing through the big old fashioned spinner I had to bring it back home. The place now looks like Widow Twanky's kitchen with washing drying on radiators and the backs of chairs. I was able to iron our bedsheet dry and dug out an old duvet cover from the storage boxes. Even if I could unearth them from behind a great stack of boxes I don't really want to use the brand new white bedding until we're no longer living in a building site. I'll have to take a lot of the washing back tomorrow hoping that the driers are working as there's no way as things like the heavy bath towels will dry on the radiators.
It brightened up a lot in the afternoon as I ironed some of the washing dry.
I was up early this morning and spent my time investigating trellis for the back garden. I prefer the more open trellis but this one (below) looks sturdier and better quality. Although it will be going up against mainly solid fences it does get windy in the winter and we don't want to have to replace it after only a few years.



happyone said...

For winter days when I can't put the clothes outside to dry I put the on a big drying rack inside and put it over a heating vent. Even towels dry by the end of the day!
(Our heating vents are on the floor)

Ruta M. said...

Here in the UK it's unusual to have anything but radiators for central heating. There was one of those wooden clothes airers that hang from the ceiling left in the lean-to so I've bought new rope and pulleys and will have it put in the utility room once it's been painted.