Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 16 January 2021

Window Film.

The morning as we ate our breakfast we watched the sun shining on the choppy waves. Later (when I took the photo below) the greyness that had been lurking on the mountains began creeping down towards the sea and stayed for the rest of the day.
Last night my ribs made it clear that yet again I'd 'done too much'. Probably the gardening was to blame but whatever the cause I've had to rein in my enthusiasm for getting on with things and try to find more sedentary activities. I've signed up again to take part in the RSPB garden birdwatch at the end of the month. Looking out over the cliff which I count as part of the garden, after all we're responsible for the maintenance of the grass, I could see an oyster catcher, a couple of herring gulls and a rook.
My gloom at the enforced rest was soon dispelled by the postman bringing the window film for the kitchen window.
I can't believe that it took all afternoon to get as far as I did. I hadn't got far when I came to a halt with concerns over being able to remove the film if it wasn't right. With the film we'd got for the front door that company made it very clear which of their products were self-adhesive ie apply once and though you can get it off possibly with a scraper you can't use it again while the static cling ones could be peeled off and reused easily. The film I'd bought had both phrases in the description, yikes. Worryingly the application instructions were exactly the same as the ones we had for the front door film. After cutting out two pieces and putting them up with bits of masking tape I used a small off-cut and applied it as per the instructions on one of the bay windows that are going to be removed. This I left up for an hour while I watched a tv programme and to my relief it peeled off easily again. 
Before I could put the film in place I had to decide on the height. The roll was 45 cms high, on the left hand window, but I knew we wanted it a bit higher. With some careful cutting and matching I finally got the two pieces for the middle window done. Now that it's been up for a bit we've decided that it should be one row lower so I can gaze at the distant hills while washing up. The two side panes will go to the same height which sadly will block my view of the bird feeder. Maybe I can hang the feeder higher.
Even more exciting the new builder came round with his 'inside' guy. Looks like work will start in a couple of weeks. Time to order tiles, sink, cupboards and worktop for the utility room.

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