Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 5 February 2021


Much celebrating as Peter had his vaccination today. It was the Astra Zeneca version and so far he's had no side effects. The doctor said he might possibly get a sore arm and/or flu symptoms in the following 12 -24 hours. The second dose is due in 12 weeks. At first we were sceptical over the reassurances that 12 weeks would be as good as the recommended 3 weeks. After all our government is very fond of saying whatever makes them look good but in fact listening to the scientific experts and analysis of the data on the radio the 12 weeks does not seem to be a problem.
We had a touch of blue skies this morning but for the most part it has been grey and wet. The builders have worked hard all day and we now have a decent fence in the back garden. The horizontal planks are not the most sturdy (Peter ordered them) which upset the builders but they had to take into account that strong trellis panels will be going up on our side as well.
Before - The falling down fence being propped up from our side.
Half-way through - The old fence removed.
Now - The top row of bricks replaced with concrete blocks, posts bolted to the brick wall and planks nailed on. The gaps are there to let the wind blow through rather than against the fence. The neighbours asked for the fence to be that height as it gives them a better view from their windows while still being high enough to keep their dogs in. Because our garden is lower the fence is above head height on our side which I'm happy with.
I did some gardening in the morning until rain sent me inside and the rest of my day has been spent making cups of tea, playing the piano and starting a felting project. Peter has made a big cheese, potato, onion, cabbage and smoked sausage casserole for supper and for the next few days.


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