Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 13 February 2021

Very Cold.

Today has been the coldest day since we moved here. Not that we are cold, an extra layer of clothing and the heating on all day means we are comfortably warm. As we ate breakfast the freezing rain left a layer of ice on the east facing windows making them look like bathroom glass and leaving 1-2" icicles fringing the balcony railing. I was beginning to wonder if I should go out and spread salt from the council salt box on the corner of the road to save cars from sliding into the lamppost or over the cliff but the rain stopped and the few cars about seemed to be driving carefully. I had to negotiate a layer of crispy ice on the pavement as I snuck out to the car to rescue a few beer bottles that I'd bought as a Valentine's gift for Peter while he was doing his exercises.
I have had a quiet day mainly doing admin and some small tidying jobs.
Later in the afternoon the greyness cleared leaving a rainbow above the surfers taking advantage of the big winter swell.
Here are a few of yesterday's icicles. In the photo above the icicle on the right is the one I had my hand next to and was 3-4 ft long.

This cave was about 10ft high.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Oh ice is no fun at all. I'll take snow over ice any day!