Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 19 February 2021


Very wild, wet and windy all day long. A few surfers are out in the water now but I haven't seen them catch any waves.

I woke this morning feeling a bit rough and when I took my temperature it was 37.1C which while technically not a fever might be for me as I have a quite low 'normal' temperature. This is probably due to my sinuses though I have been checking my O2 sat levels which went down to 96% but are now back up to 98% so no worries there. So I've taken things easy mostly working at my pc or making tea for the builders.
The indoor builders turned up in the afternoon and have been making up the flat pack cupboards, fitting skirting boards and cleaning the floor tiles. They've also been attempting to level the tiles with a small sander but I don't think that they've made much of a difference. I can't bring myself to insist that the floor is redone but it is disappointing to know that it could have been done better. One difference is in the hall by the front door in that with the flat packs moved out it's possible once more to open the coat cupboards and put the coats away.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Hope you're soon feeling fine again.