Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 2 February 2021


While Yorkshire had snow today here at 12C/53F it felt positively balmy. That led to misty conditions and a generally grey day.
The indoor team came today and have laid the floor tiles in the utility room and put skirting boards in both rooms.
I had my prescription to collect from the pharmacy which of course was combined with a photography walk along the beach. The sea was so wild and so high I could only walk along the highest part of the shingle ridge and even then further along the beach I could see where the waves had reached almost to the sea wall.
I took many photos trying to capture the explosive spray of the waves hitting the cliffs then as I walked along the beach came the challenge of trying to capture it as it happened in three places at once.

Here I was standing in front of the lifeboat station watching the green marker pole disappear behind yet more crashing waves.

As well as the crashing of the water the noise of the stones was tremendous as the sea pulled them back and forth. 

I'd reached the end point of my walk and was simply enjoying staring out to sea when a small movement caught my eye. There bobbing about in the stones only inches from the waves were three small birds. (above)

They are Redshanks, about the size of a grapefruit. Locally common all year round with more flying in from Europe for the winter.
As I headed for home a blue patch in the sky appeared above Borth and it suddenly felt even warmer than before. In the photo you can just see edge of the mist still shrouding the coast towards Aber and it was the same in the other direction. When I got home I went out in the garden and did a bit more cutting back of bushes. All too soon the grey returned and then came heavy rain for a while.

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