Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 18 February 2021


A very windy day with some sun and a lot of showers. Too choppy for surfers but several kite surfers had a good session skimming over the waves.
No sign today of the indoor builder but the boss builder came round to go up on the roof and see what tiles he needs to get. Luckily the previous owner had kept 'useful stuff' which included some spare ridge tiles which will now come in handy. All being well work on the roof and bay window should start next week. There's been a delay with the trellis for the back garden which will be arriving next week rather than tomorrow as expected. I've asked the builder to give me a price for some basic concrete block raised beds in the back garden to add support to the neighbours' wall. Our neighbour called round this morning to ask if we had details for a plumber as he had a leak. We gave him the number of the chap who's been working here and is very good but we've not yet heard how that has turned out.
In the morning I went out in the front garden and dug up three more brambles, one of them with really thick stems and roots. They were all tucked under another hydrangea bush which meant working on my knees digging away with a trowel. 
Later once the rain had stopped I had a walk on the beach, very handy for cleaning the mud off my wellies. Above are the cliffs showing why all the houses above have cracked walls and/or render. We're not too concerned about the stability of the cliff though there's always a little worry at the back of my mind. Instead of worrying I shall continue to rejoice in the fact that I can walk on the beach whenever I want.

After a little explore under the cliffs I turned and had my usual stroll along the waters' edge looking out for anything interesting such as this bit of seaweed.
This bundle of rope couldn't be left on the beach so once I'd taken a photo I picked up one end and hauled it up to the bin by the lifeboat station. When I turned to look I found it stretched out for about 5 ft behind me and included some of the really nasty fine netting.


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