Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 8 February 2021

Icy Winds.

We had some blue skies filled with fluffy clouds being blown briskly by icy north-easterly winds this morning. Right now the clouds have amalgamated into massive cloud banks with the occasional patch of blue.
I did some work in the garden again, this time I took the saw with me and got yet another section of hedge slimmed down. A couple more sessions should see that particular job done. Sometimes as I work in the garden the air is filled with the sound of seabirds such as gulls and oystercatchers while on other days the garden birds come to the fore as I hear a woodpigeon or the starlings, robin and tree sparrows. This blackbird is another regular visitor to the garden. Yesterday he was coming down to about 3ft from me as I worked in the hedge. I only hope he knows to stay clear of Speedy. Today he turned up once I'd finished.
After a break I set to scrubbing over the utility room tiles again but I have given up as my back is just too painful. Peter is going to have a word with the builder and get them to clean up the tiles. (I hope.)
Not only was I getting cross about the uneven laying of the tiles but even after a second going over with scrubbing brush and dish scrubby once the tiles dried I could see plenty of excess grout still to be cleaned off. The tiles below have had just one cleaning but you can see just how messy they are. The builder did come back the day after he laid the tiles and went over them with a sponge but I don't think this is good enough.
The ever changing colours of the sea.


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