Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 20 February 2021


Another wild and windy day with non-stop rain. The wind has swung round and is bringing warmth from the south.
I can't say I've been in a good mood today. We were supposed to be going to look at the chairs below which I found on the local FB selling page. Obviously they wouldn't fit in our little car and I needed Peter to drive the camper with me to pick up the chairs (subject to them being free of woodworm and fairly sturdy) from an antiques place 20 miles away. Although he quite liked the chairs he wasn't sure if we would be breaking lockdown rules by going to get them. He rang the police yesterday and was told that technically we shouldn't be driving but if we were stopped we should explain that we've moved to the area and were picking up some furniture. It would come under the click and collect category. This would fall within the discretionary guidelines and at the very worst, if we were stopped by a grumpy policeman, we might be asked to return home but it would probably be okay. Lots of debate and finally Peter said no. A shame as they look like a nice set of chairs to replace the three mismatched kitchen chairs we have at the moment. And they were only £80 for the lot. If I'd had any experience driving the camper I would have gone by myself but I will be going on a camper handling course once lockdown is over and then there'll be no stopping me.
Even though it was raining lightly I still took myself off for a walk along the beach. The winds have brought large waves again and the weekend surfers were out first thing. Not too many walkers, I think the rain has put them off.
There's quite a lot of Vinca growing in the front garden and I'm thinking about moving it to under the hedge as it can grow in part shade and drier conditions. I'm also going to move much of the honeysuckle that is currently sprawling across the grass so that it can grow up into the hedge to create more of a countryside feel.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Nice to see those pretty flowers. One day we shall see flowers here again!