Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 7 February 2021


Cold again today with bitter winds blowing from the east. There was the usual blanket of clouds over the mountains obscuring the view but later I did see a sprinkling of snow on the highest hills. There was no sign of the swimmers first thing but they made an appearance later on.
Standing on the terrace with my morning coffee I could see an inflatable rib sitting on the beach. I wondered if it had floated in or if somebody was planning on going out on the water while it was so calm but later we saw our lifeboat 'rescuing' it, leaving it anchored out in the bay and then another crew having their turn at 'rescuing' it. Sundays must be training days.
My ribs were not too good but I decided to do some careful gardening. To keep myself from stretching up I didn't take the stepladder, saw or long handled loppers out sticking to weeding either sitting down or kneeling on the floor. I pulled up lots of seedlings and cleared leaves and twigs. Hopefully that won't have put any strain on my ribs.
My main achievement of the day was to finally remove the adware/ redirect virus that was sitting on this blog. I'd been getting around it by X-ing out straight away and then a second attempt would get me to the right destination. But it was a nuisance and I'm sure will have put people off making comments. I'd asked Peter to help me get rid of it months ago, after all he worked in IT for years but somehow that never happened. Today I got so far as looking on-line for advice and then thankfully Peter did come and advise. He says I have to learn to deal with these things on my own. The two virus checkers I already had and Microsoft support didn't get rid of the adware but uninstalling iobit and then installing Malwarebytes seems to have done the trick. If the virus returns I'll have to try Kaspersky. Fingers crossed.
In the afternoon I made an attempt to clean the tiles in the utility room. They need more scrubbing to clean off the grout but my back had had enough. I have to say although anything is better than the messy concrete floor I'm not impressed with the new tiles. I know they are budget tiles and I wouldn't expect them to all be the same size making them harder to lay but apart from the initial  row laid against a metal straight edge I can't see any straight lines. Not only that but the tiles aren't very level with some places where the tiles are jutting above the others next to it. Peter thinks I'm overly fussy and maybe I have too keen an eye but while I'm not too bothered about the utility room I'm concerned about having the same standard of tiling in the toilet and then when it comes to it the bathroom. It was hard enough to get any builders at all so I'll have to be diplomatic when I talk to the builders.
This kite surfer had given up and was heading back to the beach.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Makes me smile to hear you talk of gardening while I look at the window to see more than a foot of snow. :)