Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 23 February 2021


A wild, warm day today with spells of heavy rain. There are weather warnings out for rain and flooding for today and tomorrow. This morning the clouds in the sky looked like one of those early films when the painted backdrop would be rolled along behind the actors. Such a relief to not have those loose chimney pots above us. At one point in the day we could hear somebody working on the platform on top of the roof. We thought it was the scaffolders come to take the scaffolding down but the scaffolding is still here. Maybe they were just making sure the planks up there were secure in view of today's gale force winds.
The indoor builders were supposed to turn up in the morning but sent a text to say one of them wasn't well so we shan't be seeing them until Friday by which time they should have the new window for the toilet. I haven't actually seen the design of the window but at nearly half the price of the one from the window company I don't really care. All I stipulated was that the handle to open the window should be at the bottom so that I can reach it and for a similar design of frosted glass.
While it was still dry in the morning I went out to tackle an outside drain that wasn't draining properly. It only takes water from the kitchen sink and the kitchen roof gutter but stagnant water still smells horrible. I had some heavy duty rubber gloves and my kneeler pads and just got on with the job. I cleared out a lot of fine gravel that had accumulated at the bottom, this was an arm length straight down and then the drain took a turn. The bend was too tight for our drain rods but a hunt around the garage yielded up my strong fence wire and a length of hosepipe which were more flexible. Unfortunately even with the wire I could only get about a foot along the side pipe before coming up against a dead end. No amount of jiggling or poking with the wire helped the water drain away at more than a very slow rate so it'll have to be a job for a drain company or the builder. After all that I was very glad to have a hot shower to freshen up. We had thought about putting up the curtain poles in the sitting room but we both felt quite tired and only got as far as taking the poles out of the cardboard box they came in.
Now for some sunny wave photos from yesterday. Enjoy.


1 comment:

happyone said...

The sunny waves look so pretty and blue!!