Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 25 February 2021


Sunny though a little colder today.
It wasn't even eight o'clock this morning when I heard a van pull up outside. Sure enough this was soon followed by the sound of workmen up on the scaffolding and then some very loud banging. 'Oh good' I thought, 'they're taking down the scaffolding'. But then it all went quiet. Had they come across a problem or perhaps they thought it was too early to be disturbing the old people? Then comes a text saying the indoor builders were on their way. They turned up before nine and went straight up onto the roof where they worked for the rest of the morning. No idea at all what they were doing. Then the two chaps came down to work in the utility room where so far they've put the worktop on the base units and made a start on the doors covering some pipes at the side. They went off at five thirty and hopefully will be returning tomorrow.
Peter and I, well mainly Peter, had a go at putting up the curtain poles in the sitting room. At my suggestion we began with the pole over the window as it would be easier to correct any problems there. Sure enough something went wrong with the measuring and the finished pole was at a definite slant. Luckily it was possible to redrill just one of the three screw holes to fix the problem. Having put up the pole I've no idea where the curtains I want are as they were packed away when we left Dingles. I noticed that Peter's hands were hurting him after that job so we didn't try and put up the pole over the French doors and if possible I shall get the builder to put the pole up.
Being such a lovely day I went for a long walk along the beach where the low tide had exposed lots of sand left by the recent wild seas.
I had a bit of fun wandering around the rock pools where my attention was first caught by the blobs of bubbles and their shadows in some of the pools on the sand.
There are some good sized pools on the rocks below the cliffs but I don't expect to find a lot of marine life in them because of the amount of sand that sometimes fills them up and probably scours out the pools with the action of the waves. Also there is a lot of fresh water from the cliffs running into the pools nearer the cliff which must affect the salinity of the pools.

With so much exposed sand I was able to have a long easy walk along the water's edge. I thought the clumps of sea foam resembled the clouds above but I didn't manage to translate that into a photo.
Along with everyone in my age group today I got a letter saying that I should go on the website to arrange my vaccination. However I'm not rushing to look on-line as our surgery had posted on the local FB page that they would be ringing up to arrange for vaccinations at the surgery. That would be much more convenient than driving into Aber for both jabs so I shall wait until I hear from the surgery.

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