Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 21 March 2019


A very damp grey morning today left the garden plants glittering with water filled crystals. The sun never really came out at all today, just unremitting greyness. I was scrubbing out the waste food caddy on the main grass (not wanting soap and bleach over my garden) and a neighbour commented that we were supposed to have some sun. That was a dud forecast.
Tuesday's Pilates made itself felt today so I was happy just to get through my daily routine. I put the green glasses up for sale on Gumtree before anymore of the glasses get broken. Later I had another go at altering the crop top taking out my last set of tacking and trying a different approach and taking in the side seams instead of tightening up the lower edge. As I know there is no chance of getting back to a trim tummy (I must have had one once) I won't ever wear the crop top without the over vest but I still like things to fit.
Speedy had a bit of a shock when his metal water dish got caught in the plastic cone and flipped up over his head before clanging to the marble floor with much noise and water everywhere. I give him time to drink and wash when I take the cone off so that he can eat but the minute he licks his foot the cone goes back on.

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