Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Not a Good Day.

First thing this morning we had a phone call from the estate agent to say that the owner of the bungalow had decided not to sell because she wanted to keep it as a holiday home. What a disappointment. It wouldn't surprise us to see the bungalow back on the market at a higher price. The estate agent did sound disheartened and will let us know if anything similar comes up. So no more browsing kitchen ideas and back to trawling through house listings.

It has felt quite chilly today through a mix of early sun, clouds and showers. I needed to pick up Patch's prescription from the vet and combined that with driving across town to do some shopping. I also finally remembered to take a bag of worn out clothes for the recycling bin at Tesco's. Apparently even the worn out clothing gets shredded and recycled. That's just reminded me of the rag-and-bone man going around with a horse and cart which I saw once in a while in my childhood.
When I was a child there would be the very occasional treat of some Lithuanian fudge called 'Little Cow'. Only on rare occasions as not only were we very poor but sweet items weren't part of my upbringing. Ever since supermarkets began stocking a range of Polish food I've cast my eye over the shelves hoping to spot the familiar yellow and brown packaged sweets but never with any luck. Today I looked a little more carefully and saw these Krowka sweets which had the same shape but different colours. Needless to say I bought a bag and upon testing I found they were the fudge I remember from 50 years ago. Researching on line I found that they were developed by a Polish company and that Krowka also means Little Cow.
 And look, boxes of chocolate just for me!
For the first time in a year I decided to skip tonight's Pilates as I'm not feeling 100%, nothing too bad but the Tuesday sessions are very energetic.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Oh sorry to hear about the bungalow, how disappointing. Must not have been the right one for you. I'm sure the perfect one is in your future.
How nice for you to find those special candies from your childhood. :)
How cool to find chocolate candies named after you! :)