Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 26 March 2019


Another wonderfully sunny day so once again lots of things were done.  Washing hung out and then ironed. I have a feeling that the lid/container that you put the washing liquid in is still inside the duvet cover which is now back on the duvet but then how did I not notice it while I was ironing?
Tomorrow is the last of this term's choir evenings and because somebody asked if we were bringing 'nibbles' (which is normally only at the end of term before Christmas) it was decided we'd do that. No prizes for guessing that I chose to make Rocky Road. So simple and enjoyed by many. This time I've cut it into tiny bite-sized squares so that people don't get chocolatey fingers from holding a bigger piece. At the same time I made another batch of chocolate and peanut butter cookies for Peter as he was down to the last three in the box.
I'd completely forgotten about buying this dicentra spectabilis from  the reduced shelves in B&Q until I saw the first few sprays of little hearts in the front garden. The acer has many delicate flowers and the round bush by the front door (name unknown) looks like it will soon be covered with tiny white flowers. Last year I kept trimming it into a ball shape simply to stop wet branches growing out across the path.
There were only 12 of us at Pilates tonight and our teacher said we were going to have a 'gentle' session. I'm not so sure about that but with Peter warning me not to damage myself as I left the house I worked at my own pace and gave up on some of the exercises that I felt were too much. We did a lot of work around sit-ups which I find challenging though I can now do some of them when before they were a total failure. To cheer me up we did a lot of roll downs and downward dog which my body can do ending up with my very favourite where you bend over and rest your forearms on the floor. (Bending in any other direction is a struggle.) I also think that a lifetime of wearing flat footwear, mainly flip-flops or wellies, has given me flexible ankles so that I'm able to squat with my heels flat. It just illustrates how we all succeed in some areas and struggle in others.
Peter had a chat with the surveyor which came up with both good and bad points. On the good side the main part of the house is perfectly liveable but on the downside there is a lot of work to do on the rest which we kind of knew anyway. That throws up the possibility of moving before a lot of the work is done which does mean we can keep an eye on things and work out what we want as we go along but we wont just be moving in to a nearly finished place. Something to think about anyway.

1 comment:

happyone said...

So nice to see all the pretty blooms.
Good and bad to living while getting the house worked on. I think I'd prefer living there so I could be near to what is going. Hope all goes well.