Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 25 March 2019


It's amazing just how full of energy I feel when the sun is shining. There was a little more cloud this morning but the afternoon was as bright as anything. In the morning I drove over to the dump to get rid of the garden waste. Then before I went into Lidl's I called in at the big pet store where I was sold a spray to stop Speedy from licking his feet. Hooray, I thought when I saw him recoil at the bitter taste but he still ended up licking his foot and making it bleed. Back on went the plastic cone. Then I raided the medical box and covered his feet first with gauze and then elastic bandage held on with some strapping. I tried taking off the cone but then Speedy began worrying at the bandages. I kept the bandages on until the end of the day when I started wondering if they were too tight. I can bandage a horse's leg but cats are more wriggly and I know how much damage a too tight bandage can do. I guess I'll just have to make an appointment at the vet and hope they don't charge me £50 for a 10 min appointment again.
 From yesterday.

Wild violets were flowering everywhere on the south facing side of the point. The gorse was in bloom too but it stays in bloom all year round. 
 Driving up and across Fullabrook Down.
 Coming back through Muddiford.
 Tonight's sunset.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Boy Speedy sure is intent on licking those feet of his. You sure have tried hard to keep him from licking them!!