Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Mothers' Day.

Today in the UK it's Mothers' Day or as an ex-headteacher used to insist - Mothering Sunday. With both of the boys so far away it was lovely to get two beautiful bouquets, one from Vytas and Sally yesterday and another from Romas and Laura this morning. I also had a lovely long chat with Romas on the phone while he was walking their dog, a French Bulldog named Rhubarb.  
Peter is coughing and spluttering and generally suffering with a heavy cold, poor thing. He did pop out today for some shopping and also managed to organise two builders to come and do the last two jobs, the garage roof and recementing some roof tiles. He's given up on our local handyman who had been promising to come and do those jobs for many months but never turned up. We need to get those jobs done before we put this house back on the market once the bungalow is part-way habitable. Luckily the houses up here sell very quickly as this is a popular area.
While Peter was out I went through a some things working out which can be given away, thrown away or hung on to. Some slightly threadbare towels, which we've had for at least 30 years, have gone in a bag to be used for mopping up plumbing spills or given away as dog towels. I'm chucking out a couple of duvets which are also very old and are filled with feathers which Sally is allergic to. Our bins are due to be collected this Tuesday and whoever it is that keeps putting extra bags in our usually 3/4 empty bin won't be able to do so this time. (I have a good idea of who it is too.)

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