Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Storm Freya.

I woke this morning coughing and spluttering and some aching, all signs that I'm going down with a cold. (It'd better not be flu' as I had the flu' jab and Peter didn't.) No exercise at all today and taking things easy seemed to do the trick. I'd get up for a while, do some 'stuff' and then go back to bed with lots of hot tea to keep up the fluid levels. I drink very weak Earl Grey so not too much in the way of caffeine. 
Meanwhile Storm Freya howled and raged outside. Lots of rain and wind in the morning with bins being blown over and daffodils flapping this way and that. I love the wind and had the bedroom window open while I kept warm with a woolly hat and thick dressing gown.
One of my current admin  tasks is to trawl through on-line ideas for open plan kitchens and put any I like into a folder. Of course you have to take into account that these examples are as big as a barn and completely devoid of anything but the furniture. Often no kitchen gadgets or few decorative items giving a wonderfully minimalist but totally unrealistic picture.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Looks like lots of rain with that storm!
Sure hope you are feeling better and not getting a cold.