Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 9 March 2019

Silly Speedy.

A cold and windy day ending in yet more rain. I took myself off in the car for some shopping. My first stop was to a local sports shop that is having a closing down sale. I was after a heavier set of leg weights or dumbbells but the only ones they had weren't reduced and were a lot more than on-line. The other extra stop was to the big pet shop to get a bigger 'cone' for Speedy. The two raw patches on his back legs still hadn't healed up so last week I put his standard cone on and confined him to the house. However he was able to  get his feet into the cone so he could lick them and I kept finding smears of blood where he'd been licking. Last night I came up with the idea of using gaffa tape to fix our second cone on a bit higher. That worked but not only could he not get to his feet but to his food and water as well which means that he has to have the cone removed while he has supervised food and water times. The double layer of plastic also restricted his view and he had to weave his head from side to side to see where he was going. After measuring his double cone I bought a new larger cone from the pet shop. More expensive than on-line but I needed one today and I also needed to be able to measure the depth of the cone. 
(Above) Sleeping quite happily in the double cone and wearing the new cone, (below). I took the cone off tonight to let him have a drink if he wanted, he didn't, and groom himself. Even though I watched him carefully he still got in a sneaky lick to his foot. I'm hoping that a week of this regime will give his feet time to heal up properly. I don't know what else the vet would do as any kind of bandage would be ripped off in no time.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Oh poor Speedy. Sure hope his feet heal quickly.