Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 7 July 2020


Grey, windy and cold today.
This morning I had a phone appointment with my doctor. I'd been hoping that she'd tell me to rest properly for a week or two; feet up,  no housework that sort of thing but unfortunately not. The latest set of aches and pains are most likely here to stay and I'll have to adjust my exercise routine  and tablets accordingly. I think long walks along the beach will become part of my days once we move as well as continuing to work on flexibility and increasing muscles. (Only to counteract the decrepitude of age.) Today I've gone back to my exercise routine while trying to work out which ones affect my ribs the least. Speedy assisted by giving me a stomach massage as I lay on my back.
Other jobs today included washing down the wheelie bin after the bin men had been. With the possible increase of infection in the area it is even more important to take care of any possible vectors. When you think that the bin men handle bins from every property in the district which would include from homes with sick or asymptomatic people it seems sensible to take precautions. Better to be too cautious than not enough. Already on the national news several pubs have had to close and trace all their customers after individual customers tested positive for covid. And that's only after three days.
I also put some photos on a pen drive for a printing session at Tesco's and did a few other small admin jobs.
No go with the last set of house viewers. They've settled on a cheaper house not in this area. Oh well.

1 comment:

happyone said...

I'm sure you won't be surprised that I think daily walks are the best exercise of all.