Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 30 July 2020


A blazing hot day today. Word is that the roads down to the beaches were completely full, not surprisingly.
Today I finally persauded Peter to go for a walk from Hartland Quay. Although we can see Hartland from our upstairs windows it's a good hour's drive around the other side of the estuary. We took along a flask of coffee, some cookies and bread rolls with egg mayo for our lunch. We don't usually eat lunch but it's nice to have a little picnic by the sea.
When we got there it was perfect walking weather, sunny with a cooling breeze. 
We followed the coast path southwards. It was fairly busy but everyone was careful to keep well apart when passing. There was a lot of rough up and down on the route so waiting for people to pass gave a bit of sneaky rest time. 
The tilted slabs of rock run out into the sea and many ships have been wrecked off this part of the coast. 
 Our goal was to reach the Spekes Mill waterfall which we did without too much puffing and panting. Actually it's our knees we have to be careful of. I keep finding myself stepping up with my right leg which is my weaker knee and I have to remind myself to lead with my left knee. 

The 50 ft. waterfall was impressive though the recent dry weather has reduced it to a single waterfall rather than the double that is often there. 

We found ourselves a bench to sit on to eat our lunch and enjoy the view. It would have been nice to take the steep path down to the beach but that would have been a step too far (haha) for Peter and possibly for me too. 
Quite a lot of the way ran through meadows filled with tiny flowers. There were black sheep in one of the fields and I was able to collect a handful of wool for my felting projects. You only need a little black to make eyes. When we got back to the car park I changed out of my walking boots which we left with the backpack  in the car before walking down to Hartland Quay itself. (Photos tomorrow.) There were a lot of people there plenty of whom were swimming in the small bay. Naturally I had to take off my flip-flops and make my way down the concrete slipway for a sedate paddle. Oh the cold sea felt so good.
Once we got home all I did was wash out the recycling bins before retreating to the cool of the house.
We heard from the windows company this morning. Things have got behind due to them being two men short plus a family member being ill. If our builder can do the installation the rest of the windows can be done in three weeks but if not it'll be at least six weeks. Groan.

1 comment:

happyone said...

A great walk and a fantastic waterfall.