Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 9 July 2020


A day of rain, the kind that leaves a sheet of water on the windows.
Today I took Speedy's cone off to see how his foot would stand up to being licked. The cone is now back on because although he hasn't made it bleed it was looking quite red and I really don't want any setbacks. Not now we've got so far.
Having now got cushions and fabric I thought I might as well begin making the cushion covers. Normally I make a simple pillow case type of slip-in cover but it wasn't going to be quite so simple with these ones as they have fabric straps to tie the cushions to the back of the chairs. After a lot of looking, thinking and removing Speedy from on top of the fabric where he was happily playing with the tape measure I have a plan. I'll leave the whole of the rear seam open with hidden poppers to keep it closed on either side of the ties. Next step is to see if I have enough big poppers as they need to be sewn on before sewing up the sides. 
Before I did my cushion cover planning I had an urgent gardening. job. I don't know how I failed to spot them but this morning I realised that the two orchids on the kitchen window sill were covered with woolly aphids. Out into the garden they went and armed with an aphid killing spray I first wiped or almost washed the leaves with the spray to make an initial clearance. Left them outside for a while and them went back out with more spray and cotton buds to remove all aphids in sight before a final spray. That was a long job and I remembered to check every corner of the pots and supports as well and then wiped down the window and frame where the orchids live. Hopefully that will have taken care of the problem. I checked the orchids in the sitting room but they look clear.
Blue or white?

1 comment:

lea said...

I looked up those wooly aphids, they are nasty looking. I had to spray a friends' hydrangea for mealybugs, another hard to deal with pest.