Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 26 July 2020


Grey and windy today with a smattering of rain. I think of all nature's sounds the sound of the wind is the one that calls to my heart. Hence my tendency to leave the windows ajar to catch the howl of the gusting wind.
Today has been another rest day in an attempt to get on top of this rib thing. The NHS info site says it can take up to a year while my doctor implied it's here to stay but I'd like to think that it might eventually improve. That's enough health stuff for now.
I got the last of my admin done, something a neighbour from Dingles had asked me to do.I needed to fill out a form about a right of way, a lane between the fields, that a farmer had closed off and claimed as his own. This is the same unpleasant chap who we blocked putting up an industrial sized wind turbine some years ago. There had been a court case over the right of way which he'd lost but it is going up for appeal and the council wanted statements from people who had used that lane.
Yesterday's playing around on-line included finding this photo of the convent boarding school I went to when I was 6-10 years old. There was nothing wrong with the place but that was too young to send a child away even if we did go home every third weekend. It's no longer a school or even a convent but has been converted to housing with more houses built where the playground and classrooms were.

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