Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

I'm Bored.

Grey and a bit wet to start with, standard July weather.
Having decided to hold off on the exercises for a while (again) I am feeling decidedly bored. I had a letter to post so I headed off to a different post box to the one I usually use and aimed for a circular walk going past Bradiford. Not very far but a bit of a change at least. The first object of interest was the Longstone which is down in the records as being 'possibly prehistoric perhaps with a commemorative purpose'. It has been moved a couple of times from nearby gardens and now sits between two roads.
The older houses in Pilton are of the grander sort while down in Bradiford they are charming cottages. My stroll took me past the pub which is proudly announcing it is opening on Saturday along with pubs throughout the country but no food will be served.
Coming up along the back of the estate some ewes and their fat lambs posed nicely for photos. 

Peter tells me that the plastering is under way and it looks like they might even be starting work on the roofs. At last! 
Couldn't bear sitting inside any longer now that the sun has appeared again, even if only fleetingly, so I've been out and trimmed the blob bush again. 

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