Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 18 August 2020


A real change in the weather this morning. Later the clouds returned and there were a few heavy but brief showers. Right now the sky is looking very grey with the sun shining in the distance.
Our wheelie bin mini drama continues. Last night when I looked out of the window the abandoned bin had been moved (presumably after being filled) over to the line of bins ready for this morning's collection. That put paid to my idea that the bin was one no longer in use. Unfortunately I didn't get to see who was responsible. My neighbour and I wondered if the bin belonged to either of the two corner houses but this morning as I collected my bin prior to washing it out I saw that the number of one of the corner houses was on another bin in the line and Peter says he saw the chap from the other taking his bin back to his garden. So the mystery remains. 
After washing out the bin, (how very Stepford Wives) I took down and packed the pictures from my study walls. That's one more item crossed off the list and some bare looking walls. I also took down the road map of Wales from the back of the door. I'd made this map using pages from one of those big road atlases when I started on the house hunt two and a half years ago. Being an irregular shape stuck onto the door with masking tape it didn't come down easily and sustained a few tears. However I'm sort of attached to this map as it embodied our hopes for a new home; the coastline - for me and arrows pointing out the few main hospitals and more numerous rowing clubs for Peter. 
The chap from the removals company has just delivered an enormous stack of cardboard boxes. Now I can begin filling boxes in my own time.

1 comment:

happyone said...

You'll have to put a camera up and take pictures. Maybe that would solve the bin mystery. :)