Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 1 August 2020


The day began grey with a smattering of rain. It brightened up later and with the strong winds I regretted not having put some washing in the machine. 
Instead my afternoon was spent adding an extra layer to all of our cloth face masks. The WHO advises three layers, the UK govt. reccomands at least two layers and the Welsh govt specifies three layers so I thought I'd better add a layer to my home made masks that only had two layers. I could have simply tacked on the extra layer but I decided to do the job properly. That meant unpicking some of the seams and adding the extra layer on the inside.You can't really see a difference in the masks now but it is better to be safe and keep others safe too. With a combination of machine and hand sewing I got all four masks done as it looks like we'll be needing them for quite a while. With more and more easing of the lockdown it's not surprising that the numbers are heading back up once more.
A few more photos from our walk.
Far below the level of the coast path this 50ft long plateau looks just like the prow of a ship. 
Baa, baa black sheep ........ 

And so the long haul to lose the lockdown lard begins. I bravely got on the scales last Sunday only to see that I needed a new battery. It's taken this long for them to arrive in the post but now I can begin my daily weighing and watching what I eat. It's the method that works for me and so long as I can see a loss of a steady 2lbs per week I stay motivated. It's going to be a long haul but when I became ill I made the desicion to eat whatever made me feel better and be prepared to work it off later. Which is what I shall do.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Won't it be nice some day when we won't have to wear face masks!! Don't think it will be any time soon!