Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 5 August 2020


It's been a grey day. It looked like it was going to improve so I put some towels in the washing machine early on. There was a very good warm, drying wind and also some dark grey clouds. It wasn't long into the morning when I heard pattering on the conservatory roof so in came the towels. The rain faded away almost immediately and back out went the towels. Later on I sat out to read with a coffee and keep an eye on the weather. Eventually I could see it was going to rain again and brought the towels back in to hang in the conservatory.
I was about to start my guitar practice when I glanced at my PC and saw these plates being offered on the Don't Bin It page. We have a liking for these plates and as I can only find them in charity shops I was prepared to drive anywhere around town to collect them. We had two which lasted about thirty years and are sorely missed. Imagine my surprise when it turned out the lady giving them away lives in Pilton Street only minutes walk away. She's having a clear out and was about to throw them out when she thought about offering them on the page. As they almost say, One person's rubbish is another person's treasure. Peter was thrilled when I bought them home.
It was more of a misty rain so armed with an umbrella I walked down to collect the bowls. 
I love the character of all the different buildings and the way the residents have managed to grow flowers right on the pavement. 
Not only is there a lovely display of pansies there's also a matching viola seedling which must have 'escaped' from last years planting. The house below is by Bull Hill near the church. The original timbers remind me of something that could be on a galleon and indeed ship's timbers were often reused in house building.
This morning I was cutting Peter's hair with the clippers (should that be clipping?) when he pointed out that Speedy was in the garden. A door had been left open and he was off to explore the world, and maybe scrape his feet again. Luckily he's well trained, I gave him a whistle which along with a tap on his food dish brought him running. He got a small amount of food as a reward for that.
Although we don't have a moving date yet I decided to make a packing up list. I like lists and crossing off items gives a definite dopamine boost. I was able to cross off the first of 65 items, cutting back a shrub that had crept up the house wall and was sneaking under the cladding over the conservatory. The clipping part was easy only 5 snips, much harder was manoeuvering the ladder into the 18inch gap and trying to remember which way I got it supported last time. Neither was it easy squeezing into the remaining gap and going up a couple of rungs to reach the offending branches. It's done now and I don't think there are any other house maintainance jobs to do.

1 comment:

happyone said...

What great luck getting those plates!!!