Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 17 August 2020


After a bright cool morning first showers and then thunderstorms rolled in.
After the usual tidying I've taken things easy again this time doing some sewing. I'm halfway through more alterations on a bra top as currently my ribs don't like being squeezed by a standard bra. Before I began I made a toy for Speedy from some scraps in my sewing box. The soft fabric nose removed from the hood of a fluffy top, about palm sized, was filled with dried catnip and bells attached to some strips of fabric which were then sewn onto the 'nose' to make a kind of octopus. Originally I added strips of a very fluffy fabric as well but quickly cut them off when I realised they were shedding fluff all over the carpets that Peter had just hoovered. I'll see if Speedy enjoys 'killing' the octopus later during his active play time when he usually has great fun chasing the feathered thing.
While not as ferocious as the recent storms the thunder crashed overhead fairly frequently and the rain came down in massive drops. They've just said on the radio that some places have had a month's worth of rain in one day.
Earlier I heard a lot of sirens in town and a police helicopter circled overhead. 
Then this came up on FB. Below is somebody's photo of The Square at around 4.30 as flash flooding came up from the river. The whole centre of town is flooded and traffic grid-locked though I can see that traffic is now moving over the new bridge. Peter says the Gig Club has been warning the council for years that the river is so silted up that flooding is inevitable. However with govt. funding to councils being cut year after year it's not surprising that the council couldn't afford to dredge the river. 

Sunset last night.

Photos from Chris Bennet (FB).

1 comment:

happyone said...

That sunset is amazing!! WOW.