Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 20 August 2020


The winds began picking up yesterday evening heralding Storm Ellen the main brunt of which is due to hit us tonight and tomorrow. Today it's been very warm and windy and the showers held off until I'd got yesterday's and today's washing dry.
Something strange happened with the recycling collection today. The big recycling lorry came as usual about mid-day but at about 9.00 a small recycling vehicle came and collected some but not all of the cardboard. I'd gone outside a bit later thinking that we'd just had an early recycling collection only to find the boxes still full but most of the brown cardboard bags empty. And of course our bag was nowhere to be seen. Again! However there was a bag blown into my neighbours' garden so I claimed it. If somebody returns my bag with the number written on both sides they can have that one. 
My sewing kit was back in use again today. Yesterday I bought a reduced white sleeveless t-shirt in Tesco's. As usual I bought a larger size which then needed taking in under the armholes. Another small job done was taking down my cork pin board and wrapping it in bubble wrap.   
The postman bought my long awaited photobook of our trips to St Ives. It took; one copy sent to Dingles, one copy with a damaged cover and lacking the high gloss pages sent here, another copy sent to Dingles and finally  a fourth copy arrived here. They did offer me a full refund instead but I didn't want a substandard book. This is my favourite page showing me and my mother sitting outside her gallery (we lived in the back). I must say that I did a better job of recreating the 1960's shot than Peter but he's most reluctant to take photos. Strange when he used to work as a photographer.
 I fear there will be no roses left after this storm blows in. 


happyone said...

I remember when you posted that picture of you and your mom!
The dainty purple and white flowers in the first picture are so pretty.

Ruta M. said...

That's the agapanthus Twister that I treated myself to recently.