Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 10 February 2022


Bright, sunny, very windy and cold today. 
The wind continued through the day making it a good day to hang some washing out on the line but we lost the sun by the afternoon. When I brought them back in the sheets were perfect for ironing but the towels still needed to go on the airer.
Zoom day again today so a lot of the morning was spent doing my last minute homework - and along with most of the class getting quite confused by listening to a conversation that was faster and more complex than we were used to, and reading back over last week's lesson. Really should have done that earlier. The DuoLingo is great for fixing words and phrases in the memory but I've a way to go to catch up with where we are in our classes. Today's class was revision of using the past tense and learning how to describe the weather. There was much hilarity when one of our number reported a discussion he'd had in a conversation group about the use of Ty Bach which normally means toilet but in a nursery rhyme had the literal meaning of little house.
Once our class was over I got on with dipping the truffles in chocolate and decorating them with chopped nuts and sugar stars. Somehow I seem to have made a lot more than I need for the box I'm using for a present. That might be a good thing because Peter has been dropping hints that he is hoping for chocolates with his evening sweet treat. (He's not putting on weight, still losing some I think since cutting back on his beer.) I used up the left over chocolate by making chocolate pennies decorated with nuts. I'm finally getting the hang of dipping chcolates without making much mess unlike yesterday when my hands looked as if I'd been making mud pies. There was just enough time to do the ironing before preparing supper and blogging. DuoLingo will have to wait until the end of the evening.


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