Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Some Sun.

After a night of rain the morning began with the usual greyness though later on (below) there were occasional spells of blue.
(Below) The morning surfers were back again not long after first light. It was still dark when I got up but at least that gave me plenty of time to prepare breakfast, put out the recycling and do my piano practice and DuoLingo. I didn't quite make it to my guitar practice. I tend to leave that to last as I'm still at the stage where I have to keep reminding myself that I need to keep on with a little every day. I had let the guitar practice slide when we first moved here so I'm currently working on getting back to the level that I reached when I first began learning to play the guitar. I can read the music and play simple melodies, it's the chords I find harder but I guess that will come with practice. I had a look on-line the other day to see if I was doing myself a disservice by holding the guitar on my left knee rather than on the right which is more common. It turns out that is the classical way and gives easier access for fingering so I'll stick to the way that feels more natural for me.
At the zoo I finished my self imposed task of tidying up the woodchip in the larger play area. During the morning I had a chat with two of the other workers about the repairs needed to the climbing structure. Being originally marshland the ground gets very wet and some of the lowest timbers have rotted out and need replacing. I'd only just finished my weeding when back came one of the workers to put a new panel over the slope on the left. Though it looks like a steep slide it's actually a ramp with a rope that children can use to climb up. While he was working on that I went on to trim away the long grass growing at the base of the wall around what used to be the meerkats' enclosure but now holds rabbits.

We're so used to cartoon versions of rabbits with big round foreheads that this photo showing how small their foreheads are in comparison to their cheeks looks a bit odd. At least I think so. This rabbit is eating the grass that I'd trimmed from outside their wall.
Look how big the three peahen chicks have grown. 'Scuse the headless one, it was busy cleaning under a wing. At first they looked to be all white like their mother but now they're developing some blue feathers like their dad who I've found out is called Mr. P.
Back home I had a short rest and then got on with making some truffles for an upcoming birthday. This afternoon I made the inners and will dip them in chocolate and decorate them tomorrow. Rolling the ganache into balls by hand is very messy but then I get to scrape out the bowl before washing it up.

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