Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 22 February 2022


We had much nicer weather today. It was very windy in the morning, the handful of seeds I threw onto the terrace for the birds blew away before I'd even got back inside but then the wind died down and the sun came out.
While Peter went into town to do the shopping braving the half-term crowds, I got on with the garage wall. I moved the last few items, brushed down the wall and scraped off the remains of some carpet that had been glued to the wall. I guessing they did that to stop the car door from hitting the wall when it was opened. Scraping off the carpet was the hardest part of the job but then came the fun part -painting. There's something very satisfying seeing the wall turn snowy white as the paint goes on even if the effect is lost when it dries and the old colour shows through. There's plenty of spare white paint for me to give the wall a couple more coats if needed.
The temporary bulb field.
The house next door has gone on the market (details here ). It will be interesting to see who buys it and if it will be a holiday home, holiday rental or best of all a permanent home. We saw four sets of people come to view, not surprising as it's in a prime location but it will need a fair amount of work. The bungalow next door but one up the street away from the sea has also gone on the market (details here ). No doubt both properties will sell quickly as seaside homes generally do.

I only ordered a new set of fine drill bits yesterday afternoon so was quite surprised when they arrived today. That meant I was able to complete the sea glass mobile neatly. I drilled holes through the driftwood and then increased the width of the holes at the top so that I could pull the knots down into the wood and secure them with superglue. I'm really pleased with the finished result though it was hard to take a photo showing the pretty colours of the glass which match the overall colour scheme of the open plan room. Or rather the whole colour scheme was based upon my love of the misty blues of sea glass as well as the sea. I have a feeling I may be making a few more of these mobiles.


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