Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Zoo Day.

Double trouble.
There was little sun today but the best things about the weather was that it wasn't windy and didn't rain often.
I had a chat with some of the other zoo workers when I got there this morning and we decided it would be good to tidy up the smaller play area. So I spent a few hours weeding and tidying up the edges of the woodchip. I only got three sides done but already it looks a lot better and one of the other workers began demolishing a dilapidated bench/ shelter out of shot on the left. There were more visitors to the zoo as it's half-term and the children made good use of both play area. Not having brought my string along I marked out the lines of the edges with baler twine and garden canes. Being mindful of health and safety I stuck my bright yellow spare gardening gloves on the canes.
Storm Eunice last weekend brought down two trees at the zoo. This pine hit the perimeter fence on the way down so parts of the fence are once more propped up with poles.
This willow tree might grow back as some of its roots are still intact. That is if the goats don't eat any new growth. At the moment they're happily stripping the bark from the cleared branches.
When I got home I had a rest and then went out to complete reducing the height of a wooden fence built on top of our garden wall which was blocking out the light. Will post photos tomorrow.
The amazing three headed peacock.

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