Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 19 February 2022


After the storm came the rain, lots of it. We had a very wet morning which at least saved me the job of washing the salt off the front windows. We had a dry afternoon but it was mostly windy.
My morning was spent doing all the routine things by which time the rain had eased off making it a good time to head off to the shop for milk and potatoes.
As I walked along I could see that the storm had dragged a lot of the shingle back down the beach. I wanted to search for driftwood so initially I walked close to the top of the beach where the waves had dumped lots of driftwood mixed in with the seaweed.
Having found some suitable wood I headed closer to the waves so I could walk on the sand but it was extremely windy. It wasn't long before I detoured back up the beach to check out this 5ft roll of fishing net. I couldn't leave it to be washed out to sea again so I got hold of one end and dragged it behind me back up to the bins by the lifeboat station. 
Further up the beach a whole tree trunk was washed up on the shingle. Walking along I checked out the glass balustrades that some of the beach houses have and surprisingly they all seemed intact. Unlike the poor lady down at Ynyslas who posted on our FB page that her glass balcony got smashed in the storm.
I did my shopping on the way back and dropped off the truffle recipe for the lady in the shop. Once home I put my latest beach finds on the radiator to dry. I'm hoping the larger piece won't be too heavy to hang in the sitting room window. I forsee a trip to the garden centre coming up soon.
Unfortunately the builder failed to turn up today. At least we haven't got any holes in the roof that would let the rain in. By the end of the afternoon the wind had lessened so we got out our ladder and I ventured up to see how bad the tiles were. And oh dear, all but one were smashed and I think we only have one spare left. More expense. Our insurance has a £350 excess so I doubt if we'll be claiming.
This post on our local FB page about the council 'repairs' to the breeakwater really made me laugh.

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