Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 18 November 2013

Some Rain.

You'd think at my age I'd have enough sense to get to sleep earlier when I have to get up early the next morning. But I didn't so there were a few groans when I had to get up early- IN THE DARK. That's just not right. It's been a busy day in school, trying to follow the teacher's plans, fit everything in and cope with a child whose co-operation has taken a sudden turn for the worse.
The school photographer came in the afternoon to take individual photos of all the children. After the mess that resulted from last week's spaghetti bolognaise the class teacher had left instructions that the children should not wear their school sweatshirts to lunch. So they were all looking fairly clean for their photos, that class at least. Now that everything is digital the photographers printed off the sample sheets straight away and we were given a pile to send home at the end of the day. Some children had 1 sheet, others 2 or 3 sheets. It was a bit frantic but we got all the photos given out and the children lined up ready to go dead on 3.30. Phew, we do have some parents who complain if we let the children out a few minutes late. But then a voice piped up "I haven't got my photo." There followed an even more frantic few minutes as we checked every child's photos but there was no sign of the missing photo. The children were as few minutes late going out of the classroom but that couldn't be helped. I rushed down to catch the photographer before she left and she assured me that all the photos had been given out. Rush, rush to the other classes but no joy. Back to the photographer but unfortunately when she tried to access my class' photos the disc wouldn't work in her lap top and her colleague had already gone. She promised that her colleague would call in tomorrow to print off the photos but what a lot of last minute rushing around.
I didn't stay late in school but drove across town to post some parcels and get petrol. Finally home for some exercises and baking a batch of flapjack. I was out in the garden, in the dark (as you do) and there was some loud cat growling. The sort that translates as "It's mine." I shone a torch at the source of the noise and found Patch munching on a decent sized trout. I left him to it but I might start keeping an eye out for any trout coming upstream that are big enough for the table..

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