Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 2 May 2022


Overcast and not too cold today with a heavy sea mist in the afternoon.
I spent a large part of the day in town. First I drove to the industrial estate on the far side where I bought the masonry paint recommended by our builder and a tub of ready to use mortar to fill the cracks in the wall. I'd been content to get the dry mix that you make up yourself but having it ready in a tub for the same sort of price seems a no-brainer. I still need the sealant but they lad at the counter wasn't sure if the stuff they had was the right sort so he printed off the details and I'll wave them at the builder the next time he comes. 
I had some fun looking for plants and tubs in several places. I couldn't find another large ribbed pot in grey which saved me the dilema of should I spend a lot of money (£35-£40) on a fancy pot or £8 on a basic grey tub at B&M? B&M it was. I found a few more herbs; a green sage, a green thyme and some French tarragon. I couldn't resist checking through the vast selection of clematis at Morrisons and found a purple alpine variety which I had to buy. Once I got home I had fun replanting the tallest acers though I think my back might ache after all that lifting. Especially when I removed one tree from the big fancy pot to go into the new pot. I still need to finish off the paving and pot up the small acers before settling on a final layout in that end of the garden.


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