Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 7 May 2022


Lovely and sunny today though the wind got a bit chilly later on in the afternoon and there were more cirrus clouds in the sky.
Earlier it was just fluffy cummulus clouds in a turquoise blue sky. As we ate our breakfast we could see a man in a metal skiff setting out the giant buoys that mark off the safe zone for the beach where boats and other craft are supposed to keep their speed down (not sure of the exact figure). The RNLI lifeguards' hut has also arrived so I guess the summer season is nearly here.
After breakfast I gave the wall its third coat of paint and then Peter came to help me in the garden. He carried all the broken blocks etc down to the front garden which left me free to clean up the bricks with the trusty bolster and lump hammer. It's satisfying when great slabs of mortar come off with a single whack, not so much when you have to chip away at the stubborn layers. I'm sure the neighbours must be relieved that noisy job is finished. Peter even moved all the cleaned bricks to the drive for when I get round to setting up more plant troughs. 
Coming round the side of the house for a long break up on the terrace my attention was caught by a yacht moored in the bay. It stayed for quite a while and then the lone sailor put up the sails and off he went. Looking at the close-up photo I can see a whole group of yachts further across the bay, not surprising as it's perfect sailing weather.
Break over I went back to working in the front garden. First stacking the blocks inside the raised bed and then working on the ever diminishing spoil heap. Still can't work out if it's going to be too much, enough or too little.
Last bit of variety to my day was a student, a lovely girl who came with her boyfriend to collect a couple of big but slightly damaged mirrors. She needs lots of mirrors for a stage set design project and put out a request on one of the local FB pages. That solved our problem of what to do with two damaged 5ft high mirrors.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Sure do like the pictures of the sailboat.