Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 17 May 2022


Very grey and warm today with an almost hot wind blowing. We had a few brief showers later in the afternoon and now it's raining once more.
The photo above was taken in the afternoon and yes it was that dark. Not that the surfers seem to mind. It was lighter in the morning and as we ate our breakfast we watched the lifeboat crew practising letting the waves take them close to the rocks.
For me it was a town day. First stop the dump where I got rid of more bags of rubble. It was so warm that I was wearing flip-flops but just in case the dump was mucky I put my wellies in the car. However they keep the concerte floor clean and the wellies weren't needed. 
Next stop was Morrisons where I bought some compost, another thyme and some snow-in-summer. Even though I have nowhere to put one it was hard to not look at the many varieites of clematis. If only I thought they would survive in the front garden but conditions can be pretty harsh there.
After that I went into B&M to look for some garden cushions to put against the backs of the bistro chairs we have out on the terrace. This was the best of the four designs they had and having sat out with a coffee when I got home I can confirm that they make the chairs more comfortable. (We already have cushions for the seats.) 
From there I went into town to visit the bank, Lidl and then Homewares to stock up on plasters and two sets of coathooks. These will go up in the utuility room next to the matching one I bought last year.
My last stop was at the builders' merchant to order a dumpy bag of top soil for the raised bed under the terrace.
At home I was able to take some more buckets of pebbles up to the back garden before the rain began and then did some Welsh before cycling and blogging.


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