Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 27 May 2022


Bright and sunny today though with the wind blowing from the north-east it felt considerably colder.
My day started nicely as I realised it was one of those days when I had woken up with no pain, anywhere. Such a lovely feeling. None of my various aches and pains are that significant but even minor pains when  constant can be wearing. 
But from there things went down hill moodwise. The Community Hub runs a community cafe on Fridays, tea, cake and a hot dish on a pay-what-you-can basis and they'd posted on FB that this week they were going to have a Jubilee celebration with donations going towards the dementia group. I thought it would be a chance to get involved with the local community and who can resist the lure of cake and trifle? At first Peter said it would be a good idea to go but he's never been one for trying new things or taking a chance and has got much more set in his ways as he's got older. He started coming up with objections based on the fact that he wasn't sure what the event involved and also he wanted to go shopping straight away rather than a bit later on. It really wasn't worth the effort to try and change his mind and I would have never have heard the end of it if things didn't turn out well so I stayed at home while Peter went off to shop. I'm quite happy to be at home but I felt sad that our life seems to be closing down. It's just so hard to get Peter to agree to go anywhere or try something new because it might not go well. 'So what' is my view, just try something else. Peter did bring me home a chocolate brownie, my current favourite from Lidl.
Instead I spent most of the day in the garden. I weeded and raked one of the plant beds in the back garden and planted dwarf French beans and another row of mixed lettuce. I felt bad throwing the last of the foxglove seedlings away but I don't have anywhere for them to go. There were some more aquilegia seedlings that I was able to plant around the bamboo. It's a shame I can't plant them at the zoo but according to my research they are toxic for rabbits and I can't take a chance that somebody might pick them to feed to the rabbits. Then it was down to the front garden pebbles, sieving and washing ie dunking them in water to get the soil off as we don't seem to be getting enough rain to clean them. I want to try a get the bulk of the pebbles up to the back garden before the boiler gets moved over and there's even less room for me to squeeze past.
I ended the afternoon by ironing the washing that had dried nicely on the line and there was still time to sit for a while on the terrace.


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