Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 18 January 2017


Apologies for yesterday's moaning. It was just one of those days. It was still grey and damp today and maybe a little colder but I started the day in a much better frame of mind. I still didn't get much done in the morning apart from the usual chores though I did fit in some guitar practice. I feel guilty when I don't do at least a little, and often that's all it is, every day. Especially as my shiny guitar now sits proudly in a proper stand in full view as I walk into the sitting room.
At school it was phonics and PE with my reception class. Afterwards we had a staff meeting. The first thing was the arrangement of another round of observations for all (by the Head teacher and another member of staff)  and for me a meeting with the Head teacher. Although observations and meetings are part of the normal routine of school these days I cannot help my rising anxiety levels. I'll be observed teaching a PE lesson and I've arranged for the feedback and meeting to be at the same time so a bit less to stress about.
One good thing coming home was that I missed driving the car over a new pot hole that has appeared in the road up to Hartland View Farm. The last 2 evenings I clonked into it before I remembered to drive on the other side of the road but on the way in today I made a point of noting exactly where it was.
 Spot the squirrel.

1 comment:

happyone said...

That is a good way to get you to practice though, keeping it out in the open. : )