Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

A Little Sun.

The day started with an almost cloudless blue sky but it wasn't long before the clouds began rolling in and eventually we were back to grey and even a little rain. We've had strong winds all day so I was able to hang out some washing and get it almost dry. I'm off to Pilates in a minute and we're back to blue skies but with a bitterly cold wind.
Before heading out to the zoo I hung the oystercatcher picture up on the wall. It's only taken me three months to buy a frame and hang the picture, the local builders' laid back ways must be rubbing off on me. 
I definitely won't be taking as long to complete the bookcase project. The wood was delivered today, luckily before it started raining and it's currently taking up space in the hall and the kitchen.
Down at the zoo my first job was to plant up some trays of seeds. Somebody had donated a whole lot of seeds to the zoo and these included packets of wildflower seeds to attract bees and butterflies. I brought some seeds trays from home and sowed one of the packets in those. Hopefully I'll be able to find some places to sow the rest directly into the ground. The trays have gone into the tortoise house which may be a bit too warm but it's the only option. The giant tortoises were all out in the enclosure happily munching on the grass. The rest of my time at the zoo was spent weeding an established flower bed by the wolf-dogs. While the garden plants are only just coming into leaf the weeds keep springing up and some were almost ready to produce seeds. 
As soon as I got home I brought the washing in putting the towels on the airer in the utility room and ironing the sheets straight away. 
Outside I could see the constantly changing colours of the sky and sea. A friend is making a temperature throw where you crochet one row a day matching the colour to the outside temperature. I'm thinking that instead of matching colours to the temperature I could do one row for the sea colour and one for the sky colour at a particular time of day. That way I'd end up with a throw that matched the touches of duck egg blue in the living room. But that project will have to wait until next year as this year I'm making the off-set squares throw for Vytas and Sally.
..... I've returned from Pilates and it is getting really cold outside. Still it was nice not to be walking home in the dark.


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