Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 6 March 2023

Cold and Wet.

The day began not too cold with enough wind to make it worth hanging out some washing. Out to sea the clouds were white and fluffy but as they blew towards us picking up moisture from the sea they turned darker until inland they were steely grey. Later on we had the rain too and the temperature plummeted. I see that the forecast mentions snow again on the higher ground here. If it gets icy I'll be staying home thankful for our heating.
I had planned a relaxed day which I've had, more or less. I've started making measurements and plans for the bookshelves all along the hall wall. Peter wants to check the boxes to see how many books we still have and to clear the way I slid the very large boxes containg the new bathroom sink unit and the damaged one, into the bathroom. I've been looking at shelf brackets and as soon as we finalise the plans we'll order up the materials and can start on the shelves.
Other things achieved have been piano practise and an initial listen to a conversation in Welsh which was this week's homework. Right now I can't make head nor tail of it apart from working out that one person has the 'flu. Not hard when the Welsh word is also 'flu. I'll have to keep listening and then try and write it all down. It might make sense that way.
Now for a few more photos from yesterday.
Lichen and moss were growing everwhere.
One of the many dormice boxes on the trees. We looked and the entrance hole is on the side next to the tree. There's just enough room for a fat dormouse to squeeze in and I guess it stops birds from using them as nest boxes.

Some pretty Welsh mountain ponies with the dished faces typical of the breed.



happyone said...

We just got finished watching Escape to the Country and thought of you because they were looking at houses in northern Devon!!

Ruta M. said...

I've just had a look at the programme and it brought back a lot of memories. We were frequent visitors to Arlington Court and also we knew people who had a home in the first complex in Loxhore. Small world.

happyone said...

Wow that's something!!!