Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Snow on Snowdon.

Beautiful blue skies and plenty of sun to lift the spirits today but cold with the promise of getting even colder in the next few days. It wasn't too surprising to see snow on the mountains in the morning but most had gone by the afternoon.
It would be so easy to keep opting for long lie-ins and lazy days watching the sea but fortunately my self imposed schedule gives me that extra motivation to get on with things. And once I've made that initial effort I really enjoy myself whereas if I just stayed at home I'd start getting miserable and cross with myself for living an unhealthy lifestyle. It's always easier when the sun is shining but even when it isn't being outside and appreciating nature makes me feels good. There may come a time when I'm less able to be so active but for now I'll enjoy what I have.
I wasn't enthusiastic enough to cycle to the zoo but took the car instead. There I was able to work in the sun weeding various flower beds. It got warm enough that I was going to take off my yellow workman's coat but didn't as it gives good protection when I'm scrabbling around established bushes. Even so I got whipped across the face a few times and added one more scratch to the collection. I removed a lot of bamboo from one bed and took it to the two billy goats who really enjoyed it. For billy goats they don't smell too bad, I have known some that had eye watering aromas. Later as I walked round to see what needs doing next week (maybe the buddelias) I came across the pigs, all three of them stretched out sleeping in the sun. Rodney the boar must have been having a good dream 'cos every now and again he'd make a happy little grunt.

When I got home the air was so clear I knew I stood a good chance of getting a decent photo of Mount Snowdon if I went up the cliff to the war memorial.
Up I went, making it all the way to the top without stopping and sure enough I could make out the snowy peak of Yr Wyddfa (Mount Snowdon) emerging above the Llyn Penninsula. I checked the distance on a map when I got home and it's over 40 miles to the peak as the crow or should I say, seagull flies. 
After my little jaunt up the hill I returned to our Welsh homework and by stopping the recording every few words I was able to write down what I thought they were saying. When I checked the notes I found I was pretty close to the correct spellings and I've been able to translate quite a bit so far without resorting to the course book or Google translate. I still find it very hard to understand the spoken conversation but there is some progress. To finish I had a bit more of a sort out of the cardboard boxes in the hall as it's recycling day tomorrow.
All too soon it was time to walk down to the hall for Pilates. Like last week we finished off with a quarter of an hour of relaxation. Lying under the warmth of the giant heater hanging from the ceiling and following our teacher's voice almost sent me to sleep and a few others too I imagine. The brisk walk home through the chill air soon woke me up. It was a lovely walk with the high tide booming on the shore and still a hint of orange in the sky shading through turquoise to navy blue with Venus and Jupiter shining brightly in the darkest part of the sky.
Looking inland (eastwards).

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