Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 3 March 2023


A cold and clammy day today.
After breakfast I drove to town to do the usual round of Lidl, Morrisons and then the main shopping street- North Parade. At Morrisons I see that they have begun stocking the covered 'garden centre' and was tempted to go and look through the clematis varieties. But it's too cold to be planting out yet and I want to see which of the many climbers I planted last year survived the winter. At the moment there are plenty of leaves on the honeysuckles and there are leaves appearing on some of the clematis. One of the ones I planted two years ago also has what look suspiciously like flower buds so I hope we don't get a cold spell. Everything else looks either dormant or dead, only time will tell.
I gave the shelves a coat of paint before breakfast and a second one in the afternoon. Just one last coat to do and we can start emptying out a few boxes. Hooray!
The sea was flat in the morning but this afternoon heavy swell began rolling in. A sure sign of bad weather out to sea. The surfers appeared and waited for the swell to develop into surfable waves but they were out of luck. Only a chap in a kayak had some fun paddling over the rolling sea.
One reason for going into town was to collect a frame I'd ordered for the print I'd given Peter for Christmas. I've named the picture 'Two Old Birds Having a Morning Stretch', just like us waking up in the mornings. Another stop was at Pwdin to speak Welsh while I bought one of their very special brownies. Our extensive work on describing the weather also came in useful and I managed to understand most of the conversation. The brownie is to celebrate the completion of the shelves so I haven't had any of it yet. 


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