Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 22 March 2023


Once again the day began with the bluest of skies, clouds then rolled in and eventually it turned grey and we're back to heavy rain. It was very stormy last night and we had at least one power cut as the oven clock was flashing and Sky tv had been switched off. We have too many power cuts to bother setting the time on the oven so I only touch it to stop it from flashing.
We had a good drying wind in the morning and by the time I'd washed up and done my Duo Lingo the sheets were dry enough to iron. Having done those and put out the rubbish and recyling I thought I was finished for the day until Peter reminded me about our Welsh homework. Luckily we had gone over it during our last meet in Mach so I didn't need to think too hard. Mostly it was repeating patterns that used 'had'. I had a bit of fun when we were asked to give reasons (we'd been learning about ill health) why imaginary people had not been in a class last week. That was simple enough so I spiced it up by adding why they had a headache/ cold/ stomach ache/ back ache - been to a party/ swam in the sea/ ate in a new restaurant/ been shopping. 
Later on Peter went to the shop as we were out of milk and any Welsh speakers must have been in hysterics at him on the phone trying to decribe the ice cream varieties in the freezer to me in Welsh. It's only the second time I've indulged in ice cream this year (I have no self control if it's in the house.) but I think covid justifies a treat (or three). I declined vanilla or chocolate and chose salted caramel which I will save for later in case I begin to feel rough again.
Out in the back garden most of the clematis are springing into life so I went round tying shoots to the trellis to stop them getting damaged in the strong winds.
A few surfers came out to take advantage of the big waves and then I saw this chap. Another first, I had to look it up but as I thought this is a wing surfer without the wing or foil. It's called free riding and he guy was zipping along. 


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