Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 26 June 2020


I fell asleep last night listening to the distant rumble of thunder enlivened by the occasional flash of lightning reflected on the clouds to the west. (The actual lightning was happening to the east.) By morning rain had fallen, the sky was overcast and it was considerably cooler than recently.
First thing this morning there was a ring of the doorbell and the window/fascia cleaner asking if he could come and clean the back of our house after he'd done our neighbour's windows. Peter had rung him a while back on our neighbour's recommendation.
We'd been wanting the back of the house cleaned for a while because it was looking decidedly grubby and neglected. Because of the position of the conservatory it wouldn't have been possible to clean the house using a ladder. The only way was to use the extending brush. I must say the chap did a good job. He apologised for the remaining streaks just under the gutter but he really tried his best. It must be something to do with the roof tiles because it happens on all the houses on this estate. Now the back looks nice and fresh and a good thing too as we have another viewing tomorrow morning. For some reason, probably because it catches the weather, the front of the house stays fairly clean.
Today was shopping day for me. The only clues to the pandemic were the usual queues and distancing in the supermarkets. The roads and the pavements were as busy as back in normal times. Because Peter has been shopping earlier in the week I didn't have a very long list. My main enjoyment when shopping is finding bargains and today I struck lucky. Up in Tesco's homewares section it was worth waiting for a rowdy family to finish going through the reduced section when I came across some super-king deep fitted white sheets. It's rare to find super-king bedding and as we need the deeper fitted sheets I usually buy on-line. When I saw these white sheets at less than half price I bought 4. That should keep us going for many years. I also found some treats in the reduced section of the chiller cabinets including sushi for supper. It was when I got home that I found out about tomorrow's viewing but Peter had hoovered so there'll just be some tidying up to do tomorrow morning.

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