Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 1 June 2020


The first day of summer has been suitably hot. Hardly any clouds in the sky but the welcome breeze gave respite from the searing sun which according to my thermometer got the temperature up to 110F/43C.
Not a lot of progress with Red Roofs. Peter rang round but there's still no plaster and my attempts to order the kitchen tap came to naught again. However ....... I had a phone call from the hospital today asking me to go up on Friday to be fitted with the heart monitor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that things don't close down again before Friday.  The one positive spin I've been putting on the delay to our move is that it's given me time to get closer to a diagnosis and treatment of my heart flutters.
Having given myself a rest day yesterday I foolishly overdid things today. Peter did the hoovering which today was the downstairs but then I realised that instead of sweeping/picking up the fallen rose petals on the decking it would be easier to use the hoover which is what I did. While I was doing that I had a conversation with my neighbour. This is not the neighbour who lives with her family on one side but the retired police lady who lives on the other. Conversations with her are a bit odd because although the solid garden walls/fences are about 5'6" high her garden is a good 4-5ft lower. So we converse without being able to see each other. Today she asked if I was hoovering and when I explained that I was she was most amused. Once I'd finished and emptied the reusable canvas hoover bag (and brushed off the cat hairs inside) I decided to wash the bag. This I did in a bucket outside giving it a good scrub with an old brush and leaving it  on the line to dry in the hot sun. It would be less bother to use disposable bags but it's better for the planet and my pocket to have a reusable bag.
Then I gave the holly bush a very good trim. Not only to save anyone with bare legs, ie. me, from walking past and  getting scratched but to keep the bush in a decent shape when we leave here for Borth. After being out in the very hot sun and getting dusty emptying out the hoover bag it was time for a refreshing shower. We did spend time sitting out together in the back garden at the end of the afternoon.
Yesterday I had a phone chat with an elderly friend from our days at the farm. Things are so different for people shielding, which she is,  out in the countryside. Her son who is also shielding is with her but the only other people she has seen or exchanged a word with face-to-face are the delivery men and a neighbour out walking his dog- once. That's in 10 weeks. A far cry from here where there are always people around to say hello to or have a conversation. The families are out at the moment and one of the smallest ones has fallen over and is wailing.
The scientists are saying it's too early for easing the lockdown, the test, track and isolate app isn't up and running yet and the R number is still too close to 1. Oh dear.

1 comment:

happyone said...

My vacuum doesn't use bags. I just have to empty out the canister. Very convenient.
Hope all goes well with the monitor.