Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 7 June 2020


The day began grey, chilly and with a few spots of rain getting brighter as the afternoon progressed. Right now I've had to draw a curtain against the glare of the sun.
I don't know if it's because I'm finally clearing a nasty cold virus (not Covid) or that I've had a couple of decent night's sleep but my mood is a lot better today. Instead of pining over the fact that we aren't in Borth I'd like to focus on being more positive. I hope to use this time to either prepare for the move by sorting and packing stuff up or to do jobs that I would need to do where ever we are and to keep up with my music. Maybe even learn a few phrases in Welsh. At the moment I can say Thank You, What?, Slow (painted on roads), Police (painted on police cars) and not a lot more. There are videos on line but the Welsh spoken in north Wales is different to that spoken in the south and we're right in the middle. I'll have to get Peter to help me out as he's been coached by his contacts in Borth.
As well as staring at photos of the front garden as we left it and in its heyday I've worked in the garden here. I cut one branch of the big buddleia to reveal more of the hydrangeas from the sitting room while still keeping privacy from the public path. The holly bush had a further trim and the blob bush by the front door had a quick snip with the garden scissors. I feel sorry for that bush in that every time it attempts to grow it gets cut back. Later the sun tempted me out to scrape the old mortar from another of the paving slabs in the back garden.
My main job of the day was to write up my journal notes for this Spring. Those notes began with life going on as normal and then Covid hit, changing all our lives. Let's pray that when I come to write up the notes for summer the threat will have passed and we will be happily ensconced in Borth. But more importantly that friends and family will have escaped the worst consequences of this terrible pandemic. 
PS. Speedy is fine with the new cushion cover.

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