Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 4 June 2020


Cooler today and although it looked as if it might rain at any moment it's been dry and windy.
After a surprisingly refreshing sleep I woke at 4.30 in time to see an enormous red moon dropping down below the horizon. The photo above was taken with the camera sitting on a box of tissues and the exposure set on auto. I then switched over to manual settings and happened to hit upon a setting that gave a truer sky colour though it failed to pick up the redness of the moon. 
Before I went back to bed and to sleep I spent some time on my PC. As well as watching the usual FB videos of kittens I bought a metal mail box to go on the wall by the new front door in Borth. I went for the cheapest on eBay as eventually there will be a letter box slot either in the porch wall or the outer door. 
I also did some bird watching, Mr Crow was strutting around cleaning up the grass and just before I took the photo below the two jackdaws had had a squawking fight on a roof  with two seagulls over  some food.
Later the morning light lit up the fields as clouds loomed over the sea.
For the last couple of days my super sensitive nose has been detecting mould in my study. First I checked everything on the windowsill - under Speedy's towel and behind the plant box, but nothing. Then I looked behind everything leaning up against the outer wall but again nothing. Nothing too behind the big mirror or behind my PC. I took the plant box out anyway but the smell persisted. I had got to the point of planning to move everything from my metal filing cabinet to check behind it when at last the source of the unwanted smell was revealed. A pair of very grey and mouldy apricots. They'd been a bit too sour to eat when I'd brought them upstairs and I'd put them aside to ripen. They'd gone well past that stage and went straight into the outside bin. That'll teach me to keep my study tidy.
Today I ordered some more flooring samples. My first instalment of three samples arrived a couple of days ago. Two we ruled out straight away and one was a maybe. We're going for laminate flooring as engineered real wood is prohibitably expensive. Even the laminate flooring isn't cheap, £30+ per square meter for guarenteed waterproof and thicker kinds while the wood is at least double that. There are cheaper laminates around but we want something that will last.

1 comment:

lea said...

Lovely moon photos! We have laminate flooring in our kitchen and experienced water flooding the floor from a pipe that broke while we were gone. It was bad enough that we had to call our home insurance company and they had a crew come out with big fans, etc. In theory our floor should have been ruined, the insurance co. even paid us for it, but after it dried out it was fine. We had purchased a brand that looked better than the others, it certainly was. (We used the insurance money to replace windows.)